If you’ve chosen a neighborhood with sights, golf, and wonder but you still feel like something just isn’t right, you could benefit from a home zen space. Work and personal stress take up residency in your home. What is a zen room, you ask? Find out how the zen interior design concept can help kick out your unwanted housemate.
Nestled in the mountains, MacDonald Highlands is surrounded by natural beauty. Open up the curtains and let light in, while leading stress out. Decide which room you spend the most time in, and make sure it’s one with the best lighting. If you use your yoga room every day but it’s in a crowded spot lacking windows, you could benefit from switching things up.
Zen home design doesn’t always require buying new furniture, repainting, or renovating. You can create a home zen space by taking a step back and reevaluating the layout; instead of buying new things, you could stand to get rid of some.
When people think of clutter, they often think of the pile of paperwork they’ve brought home on the coffee table or the unsightly home decor that the in-laws gave them. Clutter is actually anything that’s not useful to you. Take a look around the least favorite room in your house. What do you see? Do all the knick knacks and paddy whacks offer value to your life? If the answer is no, consider getting rid of them.
But, before you get rid of anything, take a look at your favorite room in the house. Why is it your favorite? If it’s because you feel relaxed in the clutter-free space, it’s time to start donating.
If something doesn’t add value to your life, it doesn’t belong there. Have you read all the books covering the shelves in your office? Or do you really need all those figurines and paintings?
Keep zen home design simple. Decorations should consist of plants, natural scents, and minimal furniture. A mountain of luxury doesn’t necessarily mean a heap of electronics and expensive furnishings. The biggest luxury in life is peace.
You might find that your zen home design could benefit from a little renovation. If you choose to repaint, opt for natural colors found in nature. If you choose to buy new furniture, try to get rid of something of equal size. Finally, choose comfort. Most people find they are in their most relaxing mood when their home has soft fabrics beneath their feet and on their couches.
Is your neighborhood encroaching on your zen space? Contact Kristen Routh-Siberman at 702-614-9100 to ask about open homes at MacDonald Highlands. Life is better on top.
March babies are deemed the wearers of aquamarine as a precious stone. If aquamarine gemology is right, it means people born in this month are peacemakers, calm, and serene. Whether you believe all that folklore or not, the undeniable luxurious appeal of these stones is still universal. Since their founding, aquamarine gemstones have become a symbol of luxury.
Ultra modern is a luxury design trend that features sexy and sleek angles with minimal statement decor. Those with an affinity for wide-open spaces and intriguing architecture will love this simple, yet cutting edge style. Find out how to transform your home into ultra modern using these three tips.
You find yourself extending the invitation to your friends and family to your home. You feel the pressure now. You just settled in your new home, and you’re worried your house is boring. Should your start making dinner? Should you text them what they want? What if they want to go out for dinner? Oh, and you forgot to fix the bed. Suddenly, you find yourself stuck on the couch worried about how to be an excellent host that you forgot to be one. Luckily, MacDonald Highlands can help with our etiquette tips in Las Vegas.
Is your old home and city not cutting it anymore? We know the reasons: your family is too big, where you live is too expensive, or you just want a fresh start. Have you thought about moving to Las Vegas? You may think of Las Vegas as some tourist trap, but besides all the glitz and glamour, there are burgeoning communities with beautiful neighborhoods. Here are some of the benefits to moving to Las Vegas.
This winter is killing us. How we long for the days of bright, sunny weather that aren’t too cold, but also not too hot. In our real estate office, we wouldn’t mind the winter so much if there were at least some flowers blooming outside the door. That’s why we investigated some luxury landscaping trends for the winter and found some tips for growing violets and growing verbenas.
Going gaga over garnet? We don’t blame you. After all, it is the January birthstone and the gem under the sign of Aquarius. If these beautiful, precious gems occupy your thoughts, maybe it’s time to go on the hunt for some garnet jewelry in Las Vegas. However, if you’re on the fence about spending money on such a common gem, here is some gemology info to sensibly spoil yourself.
Our luxury real estate development in Las Vegas wrote recently wrote about the luxury design trend of Middle Eastern and Asian decor. Because we enjoyed it so much, we decided to go a little west of these cultures for another Eastern-style decor. We’re exploring Moroccan decor for interior design in Las Vegas.
With such a stressful 2016, our Las Vegas real estate community imagines that a lot of our residents are looking for ways to have a peaceful 2017. Whether you join yoga, go on more vacations, find new hobbies, or find a new luxury home, we want to help our residents find ways to destress. Here are a few relaxing activities our luxury real estate agents explored last month.
2017 will be such a hopeful year for many. Here at our luxury real estate office, we wouldn’t be surprised if the MacDonald Highlands community threw plenty of dinner parties. But since none of our residents are basic people, we wouldn’t expect them to throw basic dinner parties. To help you, our Las Vegas luxury real estate office describes the proper formal table setting in this month’s etiquette tips.